Course curriculum

    1. Notes on Text Format

    2. Unit Supply List

    1. Stage Description

    2. The Big Idea & Enduring Understandings

    3. Breaking Story

    4. Chapter 1: Curious

    5. Chapter 2: Basking In The Light

    6. Chapter 3: Leaked Secret

    7. Chapter 4: Sailing Away

    8. Chapter 5: Final Plea

    9. Chapter 6: Spiritual Riches

    10. Chapter 7: Ambassador of Faith

    11. Chapter 8: The Pledge

    12. Chapter 9: The Flagbearer

    13. Chapter 10: Hero

    1. Stage Description

    2. Comfort Food

    3. Quran Connection

    4. Hadith Connection

    5. Duʿaʾ Connection

    6. Leafing Through

    1. Stage Description

    2. Multiple Intelligences

    3. Activity 1: Heart Hopscotch

    4. Activity 2: Procrastination Plot

    5. Activity 3: Before and After Gift Box

    6. Activity 4: Face of Faith

    7. Activity 5: Moving Bonds

    1. Stage Description

    2. Sampling Scenes - Ambassador of Africa

    3. Seeking Nectar - Camping Trip

    4. Seeking Nectar - Hajj Stories

    5. Flight Training

    1. Stage Description

    2. Enriching Explorations

    3. Recommended Routes - Ibn Battuta and the Maldives’ Islam

    4. Rhythmic Wings - Rizq

    5. Discovery Voyage - Ambassador Angel

About this course

  • Free
  • 38 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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