Fatima bint Asad High School
In a world of fictional superheroes, we are showing real heroes from our rich history. Fatima was a second mother to the Messenger ﷺ. In this story, we learn how a virtuous caretaker is a priceless blessing.
Notes on Text Format
Unit Supply List
Stage Description
The Big Idea & Enduring Understandings
Breaking Story
Chapter 1: In God's Care
Chapter 2: Mother After My Mother
Stage Description
Comfort Food
Quran Connection
Hadith Connection
Duʿaʾ Connection
Leafing Through
Stage Description
Multiple Intelligences
Activity 1 : Link with Letters
Activity 2: Comfort Blueprint
Activity 3: Sentimental Charades
Stage Description
Sampling Scenes - A Snapshot of Love
Seeking Nectar - The Gift of Giving
Seeking Nectar - Homemakers Making A Difference
Flight Training
Stage Description
Enriching Explorations
Recommended Routes - Perfect Grace and Care
Recommended Routes - A Deal with the Creator
Rhythmic Wings - Heartbeat by Muad
Discovery Voyage - Caretaker Appreciation